Today was the BIG 6 MONTH CHECKUP at the doctors. Always an interesting experience, especially since Andy was 5 weeks early.We absolutely LOVE our Doctor. I feel like he is the kind of doctor Steve is going to be. He is always very friendly, concerned, and thorough. He answered ALL of our questions.
-Andy is in the 27% for her head at 16.4 in.
--She is in the 49% for her height at 25.8 in.
--Andrea is in 13% for her weight at 14lbs.
Her weight has always been a sensitive subject for me since it is what kept her in the hospital for so long. We are very pleased that she is doing so well. Tomorrow is the big day for the shots. The doctor told us we need to get some fluoride in her vitamins as she will be teething--YIKES!
Having said that, I am going to use my blog to rant for a minute as I am not the happiest person with Health Insurance. It is a catch 22 you see. The only people that can get insurance seem to
be the ones that don't need it. If you are healthy, then you can be insured. If you have a pre-existing condition such as Diabetes and you actually have to spend money in order to live then they won't cover you. Yes, it is all here to help us out let me tell you. My husband never gets sick, does not need to go to the doctor--and he is fully covered (convenient, no one has to do anything).
ME on the other hand, well, I need to go to the doctors frequently yet somehow am not covered for it. I am in a mood and I have been in one my entire life with this. I know complaining never did any good for anyone, but I am just MAD. It is a faulty system. I am upset with it and not sure how to change it. It is not just me, but ANYONE with a preexisting condition. I really don't know how to fix it, or what would be the best way to.
Should we adopt the heath insurance for everyone is the same? Should we make it free? I really don't know, which is why I am putting this out here in the world...CAN ANYONE TELL ME?

I want to comment on the healthcare issue, but don't feel like I have the brain to complete the thoughts right now. I have to say, love the slideshow at the top. SO much more fun to see that everytime I open the page. I love the little pics (I see you found google images?) I'm sad for you having to take little Andy to get those shots. Morzy has been sick so I'm holding off. Love you.
Wow, another hard debate - maybe you and Sara should be running mates! I agree, you are much more "insurable" (is that a word?) if you're healthy. Well, duh, but then you usually don't NEED the coverage (aside from emergency situations). I am so interested in these presidential debates right now and this is one of the reasons. My husband is self-employed, so we pay "through the nose" for health insurance!
Don't get me started on HOW much you have to pay if you are self employed. IT is ridiculous! I wish there were a magic wand I could wave to fix it that your blood is pumping...go to bed!
It really is a HORRIBLE system. What makes me even more mad is how the drug companies are not regulated at all and can charge exorbitant amounts for their drugs. I think government has got to regulate more. I don't know how, but something has got to be done about this healthcare stuff!
Yea, she's in the 14% for weight, that's great! You know I have issues with insurance. My thoughts, do what Mitt did in Mass. Let everyone join in a group plan so that the cost is lower (averaged for fam of 4 $150/mo.) And those who were at 3 times the poverty level had to sign up too (so there are no moochers who can actually afford it.) there's a rant for you.. Love my niece
that is the FIRST OK idea I have heard. It really just irks me so much. I watched Deal or NO deal tonight and apparently they weren't having babies because of insurance. So sad.
PS she is in 13% at 14lbs...did you read it? JK trying to be sarcastic like spence, did it work?
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