Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My 3 Ssssss....

The other day I was talking to Steve, I was telling him about a realization I discovered about myself. There are 3 things that if I have, I am a different, better, happy person. And here they are in no particular order....
The other day it was beautiful weather and I just walked outside and smiled. I was so happy. My husband watched Andy the other day so I could take a nap. I woke up a different person. Whenever I see Steve I just smile, especially since it is rare lately. It is amazing how these three things can change your mood drastically. So, here's to my love, my lack of sleep and the snowstorm outside...


H-less said...

This was such a cleverly cute post. I love your 3 s's too! We're in for a cold front too. Exciting. :)

The Pyper Fam said...

Cute Cute Cute! I hear ya on the sleep and sunshine thing. I am so ready to live somewhere where its warm ALL the time! It really does change my mood! I'm a grouch all winter long! :)

Ang said...

Very cute! I'd have to agree, only I'd have to somehow change those things to D words since my hubby is Dave, not Steve!