Monday, June 16, 2008

PS. I love you....

Ok, So I have never "gone off" about movies before (otherwise, that would be the only thing my blog is ever about). BUT, this one seemed to hit me differently so I have to post about it.First all, let me say that I think MANY things affect your movie going experience. One is HOW MUCH YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE MOVIE BEFOREHAND. Another, is WHO YOU WATCH IT WITH.

And yet another thing that will change your experience is YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF THE MOVIE. Also, the SITUATION AROUND YOU.
Having said that, let me say I hadn't heard a thing about this movie, and if you haven't seen in yet and don't want to know a thing about it, STOP READING NOW! I do not want to be the reason someone doesn't like this movie.

All I can say is that I don't remember the last time I cried so stinking hard. I know my emotions have been at the surface lately, but I think it just hit me differently when I watched it. Every time she received "a letter" I broke down. I literally was to the point of hysterics.!!! I was so touched and so overwhelmed. I think part of that is due to my obsession with DEATH and everything.

I tell Steve that every movie the Woman dies ( it seems so true that something always is the woman). This is the first one I HAVE SEEN that it is the man. I actually, through all my tears, LOVED the movie and am going to watch it again. I thought it was very tender...yes, there were one or two parts I could have done without...but I laughed, smiled, and mostly cried. When the movie was over, I was just crying and went and made my hubby hold me. I didn't stop crying for what felt like forever.

I am one of those people I make fun of. So so lame I know. I would recommend this movie, but explain to not expect anything. This movie hits (as every movie) people differently. This movie was way too much about my thoughts with everything. So, if you have seen it, let me know what you thought about it....


Jenessa said...

(SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)I saw this movie about a week ago. I thought it portrayed REAL feelings very well. Even though I'm not a huge Hilary Swank fan, I thought it was a good show. I think I cried at the end when she got the last letter--I didn't expect that it was her mom. It was a refreshing movie in that I couldn't figure the whole thing out all at once, which you can in lots of shows these days. Thanks for sharing, Jamie

Sally F said...

So funny, cause I can see how if I were in a different mood I could have really gotten into the movie. The mood I was in, however, when I watched it cried out for something more upbeat and happy. I wasn't in the mood to cry my brains out. It was really really sad. Really sad.

Lakes are Great said...

I have watched it twice and both times I felt like throwing up it's so sad! I still cry everytime I think about it. Ugh...I don't think I could ever watch it again unless I needed to be sad for some reason!
P.S. I love the new background!

H-less said...

So I guess this is where I admit to renting this movie from the redbox one day without Spencer knowing. It's not that it was a secret, I just wanted to have a girls moment without hearing about how lame it was that I wanted to watch it. You know me though, I'm not a good judge of movies because I am so picky about them. This one I half watched because I was juggling gals in between it and was a little disappointed at the casual way sexual relations were portrayed. But I did get the same tender feelings of how tragic and sad and how unreal the experience of losing you dearest loved one can be. I'm glad it was so moving to you. I appreciate any media that triggers emotions in us that lead us to greater appreciation for what we have. I love you James!

Carissa J said...

I really enjoyed this movie too. I really liked that you could REALLY feel what she was feeling. I don't have a husband but I felt her pain. It was a good movie (and I'm glad she didn't end up with that lamo Harry Connick Jr character)!!

Nicholle said...

Wonderful movie. I love the book even more, so pick that up!