Saturday, November 15, 2008


I am to a breaking point right now and I just want to rant, then ask for help!! Andy has not slept LITERALLY this whole week. She usually goes to bed at 7, wakes up at 7, takes a nap during the day...

Well--she has been going to bed at 8:30 or 9, waking up at 4 or 5 and NOT TAKING A NAP! Last night I almost lost it....We were at my friend Dave's play ( I will write about that in another post) and it wasn't over until after 9. She fell asleep after running and screaming right at the end. She woke up at 3 this morning, ready for the day and refused to take a nap.

I am so exhuasted, tired and onry , I feel I have nothing left in me. I was so tired today that I just sat and let Andy tear apart the house while I sobbed in the corner.

It is not because she does not wear herself out during the day...It is not because she goes to bed early. In fact, the later that I put her to bed it seems like the earlier she wakes up.

As I sat delirious today ( yes, I am going to bed right after this) I looked at her and Thanked heaven for my beautiful babe. She has been very clingy lately and I know those does are far too soon over. I love her so much. She really is a miracle and I would love to have 50 more miracles if it is possible.

So, any advice on how to keep sane and how to help her to sleep? Oh, she is also not sick so that is not the prob. Any suggestions?


Jenessa said...

Sorry to hear she's not may just have to let her sit in her bed til it's time to get up--she should catch on quickly that it's not time to get up yet if mommy's not gonna come and get her. She could be getting molars if she's fussy a lot. Good luck! My girls are early risers as well.

I found the football background just going through pages of the backgrounds on

Hope you can get some good rest. Any word from med schools yet?

Ang said...

Surprisingly - sometimes they get that way when they are over tired. When my babies have gotten off of their schedule (teething or sick always does that), they tend to go through a weird sleep phase and they will eventually get back. Sorry, I know it's hard. Good luck getting the sleep you need!

Sherri said...

You sound exhausted! I would just let her scream in her bed until it's time to get up. It's hard and horrible but you need to sleep. She will be fine. Sometimes I would take a pillow and blanket and go sleep on their floor so they could see me. I promise this will pass and be just a distant memory. Hang in there.

Lyndsay Budge said...

Hi! I don't know if you remember us, but we were in your ward in Quad 2 at Wymount. I found your page through one of our friends in that old ward. Anyway, I would mostly just reiterate what everyone else was all saying. My son went through that exact same phase. But we would put him to bed, and he didn't get out of bed until it was a more reasonable hour, at least 6am. If he woke up, he stayed in his crib and cried. I also started putting books in his crib at night in between the bars and the bumper and had them poking out a little bit so he would see them when he woke up and entertain himself for a while. Sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn't. Anyway, when he would wake up at 3 or 4, he might cry for a whole hour or more, which mean Nathanael and I wouldn't sleep, but it taught him within two days or so that he might as well just sleep. It's hard to hear them cry, but SO worth it in the end.

Me said...


My mom said we all hit a point around Andy's age, where we would get up in the middle of the night "ready for the day". Could be incoming molars, could be an infection that hasn't shown yet....or could be the recent time change (fall forward) just finally catching up with her.

So--my parents set it up so our bedroom door locked. She would get us out...put us on the floor with our favorite toys...with some snacks and a ba ba....and just let us play. She said usually--eventually we'd crash on the floor--and she'd get up in the morning and find us asleep in some funky position. But, inevitably it seemed to happen with all of us around the same age as Andy--and around 2 1/2 too.

She made sure there was a lock on the door just so she knew we would be safe in our bedroom. The bedroom was child she knew we'd be safe there.

Hope that helps! My nephew has hit that 2 1/2 point too. Although, he has an interstitial lung disease, and is on oxygen at night...which effects his sleep. But, my sister finally was so tired (she just had a new baby in June---who has yet to sleep well) that they put a TV in his room, so he could watch videos and not wake up his older sister (who is in first grade, and whom he shares a room with). This has seemed to help much. She and I are not huge fans of tv in the kids rooms....but sometimes if it's that or going crazy....avoid going crazy!

Luvs ya---Mary P.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm a pro at this.

My daughter tried to have weird sleep phases. I, like you, cannot handle the lack of sleep very well, especially for a long time.

She slept in a port-o-crib/playpen. We'd put in stuffed animals at night. We also put a TV in her room and left it on all night too. This was the best thing ever because she'd wake up and never bother us. She'd play with toys or watch PBS until she'd fall back to sleep again.

When she was big enough to climb out of the crib, we put a baby gate in the hall between our bedrooms. She would come out and ask for a drink sometimes, but usually we'd get up and she'd be crashed out on the floor in the hall.

Kids will always go thru weird phases. The key is to never let that manipulate the normal, daily schedule out of whack.

My daughter is 3.5 now. She goes to bed every night at 8:30 and we wake her at 6:45. She has a 3 hour nap after preschool. Even if she is not tired, she knows that there is no exception to bedtime. She loads her bed with books, and we keep her TV on KBYU at a really low volume (mostly for a nightlight- she prefers to read). She'll get up to use the potty, but otherwise, she'll stay in bed until her Daddy or I get up and say she can get up.

It's sometimes so hard to be strict as a parent, because you love your little one so very much. It's a disservice to them, however, to allow them to get themselves and yourself so overtired that you loose your effectiveness.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll both be back on schedule soon.

Pamela said...

Could she be teething again?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree with the majority here. Make sure her room is safe and has toys she can play with, and then just leave her in her room until it's time to get up. It's pretty normal for kids to go through weird sleep phases, but you can't let her get away with it.

If you're worried about it, ask your pediatrician. That's who I talked to when Rebecca wasn't sleeping, and he gave me some good advice. I also didn't feel like a bad mom for leaving my baby crying in her room for over an hour some nights because if the doctor said it was the right thing to do, it was worth a try. And in the end, Rebecca settled down and knows that she doesn't get to get up in the middle of the night (unless she's sick, of course).
Good luck!