Monday, January 19, 2009

New Calling

I forgot to mention in my last post that before church Steve and I were called in...We knew we were getting callings and I was very nervous as I strongly felt that I did not want to be in nursery ( I love the nursery, it is just that I am alone with Andy Bev every day...I was hoping she could have some non--momma time every week, and momma could have some momma time).

So, we were BOTH called to be PRIMARY TEACHERS!!! We aren't sure what age group just yet, but I am very excited. That was the calling in our last ward and I had a hard time leaving it. Steve and I will have a blast team teaching together. I am looking forward to the challenges and blessings that come with this calling and am happy that they KNEW I can't do nursery right now....maybe when Andy is out of it....


Jenessa said...

Congrats on the new callings! Joe and I enjoyed doing that, too. I understand abt needing 'me' time. I know the kids in your class will love you two. Have fun!

Pamela said...

I was in the nursery with Kayla for 6 months that I was afraid they were going to call me in. Thankfully, they didn't and she goes on her own now. Congrats on the new calling!