Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vandalism, police, threats, and scariness...

I took Andy to the store yesterday...We came home and found that our stroller was tipped over (I did not think anything of this since it could have been the wind)

I left Andy in the car as I went to the front door to unlock it first. As I approach the door, I see cigarrette buds EVERYWHERE, in the door, on our door matt. It is MADDED into the doormatt. I was furious, and had NO CLUE who could have done it. ( you have to know one of our biggest pet peaves is people smoking in our face, so this was REALLY NOT GOOD).

So, I call our apartment manager and say, I have never been this upset. She comes over to look at it, and comments that it smells aweful and that she knows who did it. I tell her I WILL NOT be cleaning it up.

She says the people in another apartment were just told they were getting evicted and they mentioned they thought it was OUR fault (how, I have no idea). I was dying. We don't even know the people in that apartment. Apparently, they were getting evicted for smoking where they weren't allowed and thought we tattled on them. I could NOT believe my ears.

She calls her boss who says to call the police cause it sounds like a threat. YIKES. So, I go inside and our house WREAKS of smoke...BAD BAD. I started thinking someone was in our house. Either that, or just smoking all around it for a very long time.

My manger asks around and finds out that our neighbor did in fact do it and someone saw him pee on everything as well. Then she said ALL the neighbors are mad cause they thought we got them evicted cause we are the complainers.

I START FREAKING OUT wondering what everyone's problem is. I have not even met the neighbors, how could they assume anything was us ( which, I have never complained by the way).

Next thing you know, the neighbor who did it comes out standes between me and the manager and she accuses him. He denies it and says he just wanted to come and talk to us. I say I have no idea what he is talking about and am confused at the whole thing. He says that another apartment said we have been snitching on everyone trying to get everyone out. This apartment then comes out and I say ( I have no clue why you would even say that).

He then makes a few threats, gets really mad, starts swearing, I freak out some more.

He leaves, I call Steve...my manager calls the cops AGAIN then her boss who says to put a new eviction notice on his door, this time for 3 days as opposed to 30. I tell her I cannot be around when she does that cause he really will take it out on us...since this time it does have to do with us.

Steve gets off work 4 hours early and comes home ( which is huge since he has been sick all week and still had to come in). He comes home and is ready to hurt the guy. The whole thing is such a mess and for a while I didn't get WHY US?

Then, I realized, we are the ONLY people in our area who do NOT smoke. So, it would be a natural assumption that it was us who did it. Even if we did snitch, we could never evict them and they still should not take it out on us, obviously they did something wrong.

So, for now Steve is off this week and we were told by the cops to keep to ourselves and alert them. This guy has been known to be aggresive and nothing could stop him. I will be freaked out for the next 3 days until he is gone, and then, who knows.

Pray for our safety in our family......


Taffers Dawn said...

Wow! That is craziness!! I'm so glad that it's been okay so far! I will keep ya'll in my prayers. Keep us updated! Love you!

Lydia said...

Ugh, that is awful! I'll unleash some TaeKwonDo on their rears when we come tomorrow! ;) Actually, j/k, I'm a big chicken and would have been quite scared, sorry, James, I think you handled it quite well!

Lena Baron said...

Wowsers!! The joys of living in apartments... Yep, I'll keep you in my prayers!

Genny said...

Jamie, I am soo sorry. That just plain stinks. (No pun intended :))
You are in my prayers too!

Wendy Babcock said...

Wow! It sounds like you have had quite the experience! You are welcome to come camp out on my floor!

President said...

all I can say is drama follows drama.