2. DI- I really love making purchases from the DI. It is nice having it so close and available for just about anything I need. I always count on it for things I can't afford, I am really not sure what I am going to do without it!
3. DESERET BOOK/DISTRIBUTION CENTER- I clump these together cause they are both shopping places. It is nice having church stores where I can buy any of my church needs very conveniently...
4. THE GLORIOUS MOUNTAINS- There is nothing that you can quite compare to the mountains of Utah. I remember when I moved to Arizona and people said there were taking a trip to the "mountains". I laughed at what there hills were referred to!
5. THE SNOW- I have a hard time with this one cause most of the time I am cursing it, but lately my little gal has been loving playing in it....Again, when the prospect of not having it is there, you suddenly miss it very much!
6. A MILLION KID PROGRAMS- Yes they have pre school, music, dance classes, everywhere in the world...but not like in UTAH. There are so many kids in UTAH, it is like it is tailor made for children's programs!
7. BYU- This is so sad for me! I will be missing going to all my games live! Visiting my PROVO and seeing my brother at BYU (only did that his freshman year then he went on a mission, but he is coming back, so I will be MISSING IT). I don't even know if we will be able to watch our games! SO SO SO SAD!
8. LOTS OF FAMILY AROUND- It is nice having family so close. It seems like people visit UTAH all the time anyway (they either have the church or other fam), so you see lots of people while in UTAH. Not going to have anyone in LA. Going to miss family so much! Even those in St. George we won't be seeing anymore!
1. SNOW- I know I put this in the "miss" pile, but the truth is it goes more in the NOT miss pile! I really despise the snow and ALMOST everything about it. I hate the cold, the accidents, and everything that makes it dirty.
2. CABIN FEVER- I will not being stuck inside due to the snow! Yes, I will definitely NOT miss that!
3. THE U- People asked me how I would react to the U if we ended up going to school there....Well, now we will never know and I can keep on despising them like I always did!
4. UTAH DRIVERS- I have no idea how the drivers in Louisiana are, but I am done with UTAH drivers. I am one, granted....and I hate when people NOT from UTAH say they hate UTAH drivers ( I think half of the drivers in UTAH aren't from Utah actually)...but I am sick of people being rude on the road.
5. CONSTRUCTION- Enough said! Even people not from Utah can attest to this one!
6. ANTI-MORMONS- realize these people are everywhere....But it is really funny here in Utah. Take conference time for example---do you think people would protest like that NOT in Utah---nope! In our little neighborhood here, the smokers "mock" us mormons, whereas other places I have lived they appreciate others values.
Things I am Looking Forward TO

2. New Ward- While I have enjoyed some things in our current ward...I am ready for some new faces, new callings, and new attitude. We haven't made too many friends in our ward---long story!
3. CHANGE- I am excited for a new adventure and all the things it will bring. I am excited to be able to embark upon a whole new world and for the growth that will come with that!
4. THE FOOD- While I have yet to experience this...I am told Louisiana has its own rep for food and culture. Excited to experience all of this! Please --who doesn't love food!
5. MEDICAL SCHOOL- Even before we were rejected by the U...We were LOVING Tulane and all the New things they have ( it has to be new with the hurricane that destroyed everything). They have better stats of their grads and everything, it is going to be wonderful!
Overall, it is going to be a hard, yet wonderful move for the family! I want to enjoy MY UTAH ( yes I say my Utah cause it is where I grew up and I am proud to call myself UTAHAN) while I can... IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS OF LOCAL UTAH EVENTS / ACTIVITIES/ SITES THAT WE NEED TO SEE BEFORE WE MOVE PLEASE LEAVE IT IN COMMENTS. I don't want to miss anything while we are here these next few months as I am sure it will be a LONG while before returning. That's why we will be going to the temple, the zoo , and other things as much as possible while we can and visiting as many of you family and friends as possible while you will have us! We Love you UTAH and can't wait for you LOUISIANA ---other suggestions for our visit to LA in May would be helpful as well!
PS....This is the cheesiest, greatest sillliest ever@!
Despise is a little strong of a word to describe your closet feelings toward the U. I know when you called me that one late night when you guys weren't accepted to the U program. There were tears and fears about anyone finding out, I promised not to tell, but I did. Sorry.
Louisiana will only make you love the U more. With distance brings fondness.
We'll miss having you close enough to harass physically and focus on the verbal for now. Eat some live crawfish for me.
We will miss miss miss you guys so much! I would hope we could make a trip down there somehow to visit and experience the LA food...mmm... i totally agree with #1 and #2 on your "will not miss about utah list" not that i get to leave it, but know that i will be still hating those things continuously while you get to bask in the beautiful sunshine, i have to say i am completely sick of being inside i could throw up, i know how you feel! You guys should go to the living planet aquarium before you leave if you haven't been, i have heard it's really cool
I wonder if you will miss the snow at Christmas?
We will miss you guys! But are very happy for you.
Steve has a nephew watching him closely with med school.
I'm sure you'll have some great experiences in New Orleans. Sometimes I like it better when it comes to kid things here because there isn't such a kid population and that means cleaner facilities (not as many germs shared at play areas, etc).
Just FYI--you can order stuff online from the distribution center (incl g's) and even though they don't have DI, they have Goodwill and consignment shops. You should still be able to find deals!:)
Use the internet and people in your new ward as resources as to what's fun to do in the area with kids. Start play groups if they don't have any. I feel blessed to have so many other student families in the area and we do tons together. Look for a city/town website--they'll tell you when fun parades and events are coming.
I miss Utah, too--especially the local restaurants, but it's a neat experience living out here. Have you seen The Princess & the Frog? That would give you a good feel for the atmosphere in New Orleans. I hope we can come visit you sometime.
I am excited that you are going to Louisiana, not cause you'll be further away but it'll be so awesome to be living down south! You'll have to keep us updated on all that happens!
A. Temples: I've come to appreciate them more now that I have to drive 3.5 hours (7 hours in a day) to get to 1) (Not that I didn't appreciate them before...just more now).
B. Don't miss the mountains at all. And especially don't miss the Inversions!
C. Won't you be living closer to your sister?
D. Check into your local early childhood development center/public school. What my sister and I have found outside of UT is that MANY programs such as early childhood, preschool, head start, Parents as Children, etc. are funded FAR better outside of UT than in--cause there's not quite the amount of children. Plus, the kiddos get the advantage of being around diverse children. Who knows--maybe the ward you move into will have a joy school type deal already happening. But, since you'll be in med school--I'm betting you'll qualify (low--income) so I'd highly suggest looking into the community services and taking advantage of whatever they offer (who knows--the university may even offer programs).
D. I do miss the DI, but I've found that outside of the UT the Goodwill and Salvation Army are as good, if not BETTER than the DI, especially with children's clothing, adult clothing of more than the "average" sizes, etc. Plus, GREAT antique stores, consignment stores (for kiddo's stuff especially), flea markets, and yard sales galore!!! Imagine being able to have garage sales 10 months out of the year instead of 4!!!
E. I'm a UTE--actually now I'm a Jayhawk through and through. All I'm going to say. And, I certainly do not miss living 45 minutes away from Utah County.
F. Shop for Deseret Book and Seagul Book and Tape on-line. Can actually get better prices often on Ebay,, and Amazon. Distribution Center--can order most everything on-line as well--and if not, well, sometimes I send orders to my mom--so if you have a good relative in UT who you can send orders through--should work. Just make sure to make one last "run" before you move, and save the bags from you and your husband's clothes--so you know the size numbers (makes a huge difference when ordering on-line or through someone).
Um--did I forget anything? Nope--don't miss the snow at all (although--it snows enough where I am that I shouldn't miss the snow). But, I must admit, I'm biased. I LOVE living outside of UT far more than living inside of UT :)
You'll do great!!!
Mary P.
That's Parents as Teachers--not Parents as Children--typing too fast!
Mary P.
Good luck with your move! It has been 3 years now since I left Utah, and I am alive! It has been the best for us. We love all of the same things here as we did in Utah. Now that I am away, I can't imagine going back (sorry family!!!!) My husband will graduate from Law School next month...and we got a job here in FL.
It is pretty amazing that no matter where you go you will have a church family, and to me that has made our two huge moves great.
I look forward to hearing about your adventures!
Oh my goodness that's so exciting that you're moving to Louisiana! Please, please, please let's get together before you go! I miss you!
Love you lots!
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