It is definitely messy, but that is also part of the fun. I just sit and laugh as I am trying to shove food that she doesn't want down her mouth, she gags, and it goes everywhere. If I am not willing to eat it, then why will she? Someone explain that one to me.
I was nervous that she wouldn't recognise me or like my new haircut. I was wrong, she loves it. I fling my head around and she just giggles while my hair flies and tries even harder now to pull at it.
We miss daddy as he is gone nights for his job, and days for school. I am forever grateful for all my husband does to help our family out and the sacrifices he makes. He is the perfect dad and takes such pride in his little girl and family.
I love having my little family!
What a cool blog! What a cute little one you've got!
So cute! Don't cha love babies? They are the best.
Sorry! I've left three previous comments because they kept disappearing! Now I understand why. So please just keep the one you like best.
Okay, I love the dirty face. She looks like she likes it? It's so true, she has no idea if you're doing it right, so hey, whatever! And Remember: there really is no RIGHT way!
I loved reading this and I enjoy all the cute, cute pictures. I loved the "someone explain that to me". So true. Yet Kamorah eats anything. I love that they are about the same age, because that helps me to feel like I know Andy a little better. At least I can kind of relate to the stages she's going through.
On a separate note, you know how jealous we are that you guys got to experience living in Provo along with Seth and Jake. Too bad that didn't last huh? Time went by so quick this year.
I am glad you left a comment...then I know people are actually reading it. Time really has gone by way to fast..not sure how that happened
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