Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When will it be over????

First off--- about the MCAT

---IT'S OVER!!! It is finally over...YEAH YEAH YEAH!! The MCAT is over...now we being the waiting process...and waiting...and waiting...and wondering...and waiting some more....

I just am so proud of Steve and all the work he put into the MCAT. It was harder than he expected, and he didn't think he did his best...but we won't know for a while. I think he did better than he thinks.

We just won't know for a while..Then begins the process of applying, then waiting for a second interview...then just waiting to know if he gets accepted. This process is hard. We have been told it can be even harder than when you are in, so keep us in your prayers.

Secondly--My little Conflict
My angel has been sick with a low grade fever, runny nose, and constant sleeping and sadness followed by being lethargic. This has been going on for almost 4 days now.

I just hurt when my baby hurts and want anything to take it away. The best (I hate saying that, but it is true) part about this whole thing is that Andy needs her momma. I love it. She just curls up to me and holds on tight. She has been so wiggly in life lately that she hasn't stopped to "cuddle." For that reason, this little thing has not been horrible.

We are down to 2 1/2 teeth and counting. We aren't sure if this is the cause of her pain (hopefully it is, then that is easy to solve). She has teeth on the bottom, but not on the top yet. Interesting that another one began to form on the bottom. She has not been herself and I can't wait for my happy baby to come back.

Poor little thing. She broke out all over her body in red spots. It is just a viral thing, but still scary if you don't know what it is.

Please say a prayer for my little gal.


Pamela said...

Rosiola. Fever for four days followed by rash. Kayla had it at 5 months. It is common in babies.

Last week, Kayla was also sick with Strep. You may want to take her to a local doctor just to be sure she's alright.

Good luck! I know the pain when your little one is sick and there is nothing you can do. They do make it with lots of love!

Page said...

Rick came home from the MCAT thinking he had done horribly. I cried. We even considered signing up for him to take it again right away. However, he did really well! So, maybe Steve thinking he did poorly is a good thing...

Carissa J said...

Congratulations to Steve. I hear medical school is AWFUL, so good luck to you both :) From what you've said about him, I'm sure he's going to make a great doctor!

Ang said...

Whew! Done with that hurdle - on to the next! My baby is just getting over being sick. No fun! It's so nice when they start acting themselves again.

Page said...

Jamie... to answer your comment on my blog... The Army provides a monthly stipend of 1900 per month, plus a 20,000 dollar signing bonus. The Air Force had a similar monthly stipend. Living in D.C. (our original plan), that stipend wouldn't have gotten us much, but living in a small town like Winston-Salem (the current plan), we can afford a very nice home, like you saw!