American Idol auditions is nothing like how they are on fact, I think the reason you don't know how they really are is because they actually want people to come and audition...So here is how the story goes.......
We show up at American Idol auditions at 6 in the morning to get bracelets (you have to show 2 forms of ID). Steve's sister Betsy agrees to watch Andy for us (downtown cause she is still breastfeeding) so that we can do this.
Everyone is divided up into 11 different sections between the 14,000 of us (LITERALLY). FYI---Randy, Paula, and Simon only ever audition about 70 or so in each city and never on the original day ( I already knew this, but this is for those of you who think it is like on tv...WRONG)
WE all sat around the arena and sang "Aint No Mountain High Enough". Kind of cool actually. They direct you when to sing together, when to clap when to stand...It was a little silly cause of course, we wouldn't do that on our own. All for the camera right? There are about 12 different tables at the bottom where they call eveveryone down from their section to sing...So, everyone is singing in front of everyone and practicing at the same time.
There are about 2 judges to a table...They tell you to prepare 3 songs, but everyone sings for just about 10 seconds. Since we were in section 8, we had a long time to wait and it was pretty tricky since my little baby needed to be taken care of and couldn't even be there.
We had arranged with our manager (who didn't even call us until 8 that morning SARA--(sara being my sis who wanted to pretend she was a part of the whole thing...more fun that way you know)) to sing together. We sang Faith.."Illusions never change...into something real" . We thought we would stand out more if we sang a duet instead of a solo...You know, appeal to the crazy side of things...
We sang for a nice lady who smiled at us, said "you guys are great." Then sheppard us forward to another judge. At that point WE THOUGHT WE MADE IT. Eveyrone else was either being told no or that they were moving on. So--we are so excited almost freaking out. They make us sing to another judge, a guy this time and he smiled as well. He said "you guys are great, but not what we are looking for right now."
--We kind of got the feeling that they only let a certain number of "couples" a certain number of "crazies" and a certain number of "actual real solo talent" through. Kind of like they filled their quote for Salt Lake for couples.
Anywho---we heard only about 70 out of 14,000 actually made it to the next round..
In sum
I am glad we did it...Glad to say I was part of it.
So many people so much craziness!! Would I do it again? Absolutetly---just to be my sister's dream crusher.!! We didn't really plan on making it, I mean what would I do with my baby if I did and Steve is going to medical school. It was more to be a part of it than anything
I think we met some awesome people who made it through and a few crazies...So we can't wait to cheer for them on TV...FUN FUN FUN AND CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!!
I can't believe you auditioned for american idol!!! I SO wish you would have made it, that would have been awsome. Oh well. I have always wondered what auditions were really like. glad you had fun. (I never vote on those reality shows, but I would have voted for you!!)
Good for you, Jamie! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! I am now too old to audition, but I did try out for Deal or No Deal. It was exhausting, but a fun experience none the less!
That is awesome! I should have done it just for the experience :) Glad you had a good time!
That's awesome you tried out! They really should've picked you guys...I should've guessed it was set up something like that. Crazy how they put the show together how they want it to appear...anyway, good for you for going!
That's cool you tried out... Did you see Ayrial there? She tried out too, but didn't make it. She's in total agreement that there was a quota or something. She heard quite a few really talented voices that didn't make it either. Oh well, it was a fun experience!
That's awesome that you tried out! What a fun experience!
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